



Cornish Pasty - Food Review

by - 5:35:00 PM

 I've decided to start reviewing food on this blog as well. They will either be food I have eaten on trips or even in my hometown, or even restaurant recommendations. They will most likely be short reviews with a history of the food item. I love taking photos of food so I will be posting those as well as videos on some of them.

One thing we were told to try in London was a Cornish Pasty.

So what is a cornish Pasty. Well its made out of pastry which is folder in a crescent shape, Its crimped on one side. Its usually filled with raw meat and wegtables and slow baked to create that beautiful flaky outer shell with a gravy like filling. 

We were at Kings cross station and spotted them at a stall, so we decided to get one.
We ended up buy a giant one to share. It had Beef, Potato, Onion, Swede, and Black pepper. I wasn't really sure what Swede was but I found out later it was a turnip.

 It was so good, the pastry was crispy and flakey, and the gravy from the mix of vegetables and meat was amazing. It had so much flavour. I love that they can be eaten hot or cold.
I don't think we can get cornish pasties here in Australia, Well I haven't seen any, so it was great to be able to finally try it. 

The Pasty has a long history dating back to the 16th and 17th Centuries. Even as further back as the 13th century.  It became a staple food for Cornish miners who needed a simple and hearty meal.

In the 13th century it was devoured by rich upper classes and royalty until the 16th and 17th centuries where it was adopted by miners and farmer. 

I highly recommend this to anyone, they have different fillings to there is one suitable for everyone and I'm so glad I got to try it. Another tick off the food bucket list.

Speaking of food bucket list I'm currently making one for countries around the world, let me know in the comments below what food I should try.

Until next time

xx Danii

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