



Day Trip : Ocean Grove

by - 2:01:00 AM

Hey there lovelies,

I love to travel , even if its just a day trip to somewhere sunny and beautiful. Last saturday (2nd Nov) i went to ocean grove for the day, because my aunty brought a beach house there.

It was a beautiful day for it. We walked to the river which was low tide. and then we walked to the beach which was gorgeous aswell.

Here are some pictures from the river and beach.

This is the gorgeous beach.

These figurines were next to the beach so of course i had to take a photo.

This was the low tide river. The water usually comes to where the rocks are.

Here is the sun setting over the river.

Thats it for today. But i will probably be going up at christmas so i will probably right more.

As you may have noticed i have a holiday countdown on the side of my blog. Its for when i go n holiday and of course ill be blogging while im up there if i have internet. I will also be making vlogs from there aswell to put up on my channel.

Anyway thanks for reading.

Until next time 


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